state to upgrade the skills training

Indore, March 4, 2017
The training of youth employment in the state by linking them to create self-sustaining effective efforts are being made by the state government. Under 4 million annually in state youth employment linking them with skill training is targeted. The two new schemes, the state government will be launched shortly. Youth automobiles, furniture and capital goods sector employment by teaching them to associate the private sector with the prestigious 26 companies in Indore execution-letter agreement (MoU) have been signed. These companies, along with various ITIs will be youth employment. state to upgrade the skills training

 On the occasion of the private sector automobile, furniture and capital goods sector were present various private companies. The workshop discussed in detail with representatives of these companies. They are run by the state government in the area of ​​skill development programs were explained. The workshop urged them that they were able to assess the needs of their companies to meet those needs may train young men and their employment. The workshop was informed that the State Government of Madhya Pradesh in the field of skill development efforts have been made continuously. Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development Mission has been set up.

The state government will soon launch two new schemes will be. Through these schemes to upgrade the skills of the youth will be trained. It was informed that the state government traditionally actors that attempt to upgrade skills by teaching them to be organized and should be an increase in their income. Traditionally, there is a skill, the actors, but they have a certificate from a reputed institute can not get more revenue rather than not having. The certificate from the prestigious institute new changes will appear in the lives of skilled craftsmen.
At the workshop, Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development Mission Director Mr. Sanjeev Singh were present in particular. NSDC workshop manager Mr Arnab Dutta, Head of Quality and Capital Goods Niby Standrs Mr. state to upgrade the skills trainingSrivastava, Mrs. Alka Pandey of the automobile sector, the furniture sector Nitesh Vernali Mrs. Basu, hail, etc. of the Company Mr. Deepak addressed. At the outset, Additional CEO of Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development Mission Ji.ankagrwal delivered the welcome address. Joint Director skill development program in late Mr. Arkdikbiswkrma thanked me. During the various sessions in the workshop on strengthening the skills development sector were discussed and the representatives of the companies present on the industrial and training and Upsthitjnon inquiries were also being addressed.

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